If you haven't already please contact the school at 913.533.2462 to have them determine the monthly tuition amount you'll need to enter. They'll gather your student information (name, grade level, etc.), method of payment (credit card or bank account) and provide you an email with a breakdown of the tuition costs and the resulting monthly payment amount. Once you have that monthly amount, please complete the following form.
Please note the tuition paid on a monthly basis is the total yearly tuition amount plus any convenience fee (credit card 3%, bank account 0%) divided by 10 monthly payments - August thru May.
Credit Card
$10,000 tuition + $300 convenience fee = $10,300
/ 10 months = $1,030 / month
Bank Account
$10,000 tuition + $0 convenience fee = $10,000
/ 10 months = $1,000 / month
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